Hello! Hello! Come and see my beautiful word cloud that took me forever to complete because I needed to download a few programs! Bask in its glory!….

Okay I am done showing off, but I am extremely proud of my work. It may look like a confusing mess of words, but my cloud holds some of my favorite book titles and I created it on: http://www.wordle.net/

While I was making this word cloud, I thought it would be interesting to present a word cloud, such as this one, to my future students that contained a list of books I prepared for them. The books would just be fun reads to get my students to read more. As well, I think it could be cool to create a game around the word cloud. The students would have to guess the book titles in groups of 5 and the winning groups would get to pick their books first. Overall, I think It is important to give students choice in their reading, especially if it is just for fun!

I challenge you all to use this site as well…..

if you want to be dangerous…

like me!